Ministry of Social Services & Urban Development

Critical to the social development of a people and a Nation is a system of service that offers a social safety net and sense of basic security to the indigent, vulnerable and those in needs. The presence and work of Social Services is crucial to our government’s ability to fulfil its duties of providing a productive citizenship and ensuring the sustainable growth and development of those that live, work, function and play within the Island of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. In providing its services the Ministry is mandated to account, afford and equitable distribution and equal access to mechanism created to provide individual and collective help through welfare and rehabilitative services opportunities for advancement through empowerment initiatives and prevention of social decay through preventative measures. This guide is intended to serve as an easy read guide to help those in need access the social assistance available by the government of The Bahamas for the betterment of its people.

Department of Social Services

Our Vision

To create a society for all ages through empowerment, protection, inclusion, cultural sensitivity and team building, utilizing all social partners.

Our Mission

Transform the landscape of social assistance through human development; empowerment initiatives; enhancement of physical environs, revitalization of inner city spaces.

Our Objective

To execute our services with excellence compassion, due diligence and efficiency.

Our Aim

To improve client living standards and reduce reliance on social service assistance.

The Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development

The Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development is home to the Executive Administration inclusive of:

Mr. Frankie A. Campbell, Minster of Social Services and Urban Development, M.P.,
Ms. Phedra Rahming, Permanent Secretary
Mrs. Rosyln Horton, Under Secretary
Mrs. Ethrice Cooper, Deputy Permanent Secretary

The Ministry of Social Services is located at:
Aventura Plaza
JFK and Bethel Avenue
Tel: 242-397-8600

Departments include:
Urban Renewal
Department of Gender and Family Affairs 

Department of Social Services

Executive Team:
Kim Sawyer, Deputy Director
Charlamae Fernander, Assistant Director
Lorraine Duvalier, Assistant Director

The Department of Social Services administrative office is located at:
Sunshine Plaza,  Baillou Hill Road
Telephone contact: 604 4200

The Department of Social Service provides a range of services designed to meet the needs of various communities throughout the Commonwealth of The Bahamas such as older persons, children, and persons with disabilities, single parents, the unemployed and the indigent.

The Divisions of the Department are inclusive of:

  • Children and Family Services
  • Disability Affairs
  • Health Social Services
  • Senior Citizens
  • Disaster Management
  • Community Support Services 

Children and Family Services Division

The Children and Family Services Division seeks to ensure that all children in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas have a physically safe environment with emotional support and security necessary for healthy growth and development. The Division consists of these Units:

Child Protection Unit investigates cases of physical, sexual, emotional and verbal abuse of children.

Child Care Facilities Unit 

This unit seeks to ensure that children who are taken into care of the Minister as a result of being abused, abandoned, neglected or orphaned are cared for in a safe, secure and nurturing environment.

Child Placement Unit 

Child Placement Unit is responsible for permanent placement, whether through fostering or adoption of children who have been removed from their natural parents, and its goal is to identify suitable homes where children can thrive and achieve their fullest potential.

Family Services Unit 

The unit provides services to the Domestic and Supreme Courts by furnishing reports which assist in decision-making in the best interest of children and families.

School Welfare Unit 

The School Welfare Unit seeks to promote the general welfare of the Bahamian student and to foster a closer relationship between the school, home and the community.

Domestic Violence and Counseling Unit 

This unit provides services to victims of domestic violence.

Disability Affairs Division

Disability Affairs Division provides support and services to persons with disabilities to enhance their quality of life and empower them to take full advantage of opportunities to become independent, full participants in all aspects of society. Additionally, the Division seeks to sensitize the public and heighten awareness about the abilities, concerns, and needs of persons with disabilities. Tertiary Education;

Health Social Services Division

This Division comprises of two areas:

Health Social Services Princess Margaret Hospital 

Medical social services at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) is provided in partnership with the Public Hospital Authority (PHA).

Health Social Services Sandilands Rehabilitation Center provides in-patient Psychiatric social services at Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre (SRC) and Community Counseling and Assessment Centre (CCAC) for out-patients. Additionally, attends to patient care needs at the Geriatric Hospital;

Senior Citizens Division

The Senior Citizens Division seeks to ensure the safety and well-being of older persons in The Bahamas. Assistance is provided in the screening process for admission into Rental Units, Group Homes, and Day Care Centres. The Division also monitors Government Rental Units occupied by older persons.

Disaster Management Unit seeks to ensure that all people within The Commonwealth of The Bahamas are provided with proper shelter in times of disaster; also, the Unit provides damage assessments reports and coordinates and facilitates relief efforts along with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

Department of Rehabilitation/Welfare Services

The Department of Rehabilitative Welfare Services operates in conjunction with the Courts to assist with the rehabilitation of offenders in the community as well as those who are incarcerated, and is primarily concerned with order, discipline, good citizenship, and dignity for human life. Correctional interventions in group residential facilities for juveniles are also provided. 

The National Parenting Programme

The National Parenting Programme seeks to provide parents with information that promotes healthy family relations in a non-judgmental environment; additionally, the Programme seeks to:

  • Nurture a deeper understanding and appreciation for good family life.
  • Encourage a greater understanding between parents and children and vice versa.
  • Expose parents to new skills to help them play a more active role in their children’s educational progress.
  • Expose parents to information that would assist their children in choosing a suitable career.

Community Support Services Division

The primary purpose of this Division is to ensure that indigent persons in the community have access to basic human necessities such as food, clothing and shelter. 

A wide range of services are provided through its four (4) Outreach Centres which are strategically located within various communities to assist the general public. 

They are:

  1. Fox Hill Centre: Located in the Park Plaza building on Bernard Road, opposite the Fox Hill Parade. Telephone: (242) 364-2200/4
  2. Horseshoe Drive Centre/Pitt Road Centre: Located in the VB Munnings Building on Horseshoe Drive. Telephone: (242) 322-7121/5 or 326-1850
  3. Robinson Road Centre: Located in the Alexander House at the corner of Robinson Road and Montell Heights. Telephone: (242) 397-2524; Fax (242) 356-3026
  4. Wulff Road Centre: Temporary location Sunshine Plaza, Baillou Hill Road. Telephone (242) 604-4200

What are the services provided through the Community Support Services Division?

Services offered are:

  • Food Assistance
  • Rent Assistance
  • Burial Assistance
  • Uniform and Footwear for school aged students
  • Financial Assistance 

Who is Eligible to apply for services? (Eligibility) or General Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Persons earning minimum wage or lower.
  2. Bahamian citizen or permanent resident.
  3. The applicant must be eighteen (18) years or older.
  4. The applicant must be the Head of the Household

The Food Assistance Programme provides assistance to persons who have encountered economic hardship and are unable to provide food for themselves and their families. This includes persons who have insufficient or no income to provide for their basic needs. 

Applicant must submit the following documents:

  1. Valid Passport or proof of residency status for Permanent residents. 
  2. Valid National Insurance Board Card. 
  3. Current Pay Slip or Job Letter or Termination Letter. 

Uniform Assistance is provided to persons who have either encountered hardship or have insufficient income to provide Uniform and Footwear for school-age children. 

Applicant must submit the following documents

  1. Valid Passport or proof of residency status for Permanent residents. 
  2. Valid National Insurance Board Card. 
  3. Current Pay Slip or Job Letter or Termination Letter. 
  4. Valid Passport or proof of residency status for Permanent residents. 
  5. Valid National Insurance Board Card. 
  6. Current Pay Slip or Job Letter or Termination Letter. 
  7. Recent Report Card of student(s) for whom the application is made. 
  8. Scholarship Letter for private schools of student(s) for whom the application is made. 
  9. Birth Certificate, registered Affidavit or Valid Passport of child or children under the age of eighteen (18) years, and valid National Insurance Board Card for children under the age of eighteen (18) years.
  10. Proof of Guardianship (where applicable) 
  11. Divorce decree or legal separation documents to verify status. 
  12. Doctor’s letter, if unable to work due to ill health. 

The Financial Assistance Programme provides assistance to families whose utilities (water and electricity) are in arrears and are facing disconnection or the supply has been disconnected. Applicants can only qualify for a maximum six hundred dollars ($600.00) yearly

 Additionally, Financial Assistance can also include income support to help with the costs relating to health needs and medical assistance, household furniture consisting of beds, refrigerator, stove, and gas tank. 

Applicant must submit the following documents:

  1. Valid Passport. 
  2. Valid N.I.B. Card. 
  3. Current Pay Slip or Job Letter or Termination Letter. 
  4. Recent Utility Bill or Statement up to six (6) months prior to the date of application. 

The Burial Assistance Programme provides assistance to persons requiring aid for the burial of a family member.  

Applicant must submit the following documents:

  1. Valid Passport or Voters Card (of applicant and deceased). 
  2. Valid N.I.B. Card (of applicant and deceased). 
  3. Current Pay Slip or Job Letter or Termination Letter. 
  4. Death certificate of deceased. 
  5. A letter from the Funeral Home indicating cost of burial.

The Rent Assistance Programme provides assistance to qualified individuals/households requiring help with rent in arrears for private accommodations or assist persons in securing a new rental unit. 

Applicant must submit the following documents:

  1. Valid Passport. 
  2. Valid National Insurance Benefit (NIB) Card. 
  3. Birth Certificate, Affidavit or Valid Passport of child or children under the age of eighteen (18) years, and Proof of Guardianship (where applicable). 
  4. Current Pay Slip or Job Letter or Termination Letter. 
  5. A Letter from the applicant’s Landlord addressed to the Department of Social Services with the total amount of rent in arrears. 
  6. Copies of the Landlord’s Government-issued identifications (Passport and NIB Card) is also required. 

Applicant can only be assessed for Rent Assistance once in a twelve (12) month period. 

Outline of senior management – minister, PS, US, Director(s).

Minister Myles Laroda M.P.

Minister of Social Services Information & Broadcasting

Ministry of Social Services Information & Broadcasting
Aventura Plaza
J.F.K. & Bethel Ave.
New Providence
The Bahamas

(242) 323-7814/5 | 323-7547 | 322-338
(242) 325-1920

Phedra Rahming

Roselyn Horton

Lillian Quant-Forbes

Jacinta Higgs

Kellan Russell

Kim Sawyer-Deputy
